Nero & V – Devil May Cry 5 – Photoshoot
Devil May Cry has been one of my (Aby’s) all-time favourite games. When part 5 came out I was torn between being insulted by yet another male playable character addendum to the DMC-universe (next to my favourite, Dante) – because I didn’t even like Nero. But somehow, said addendum which I perceived as an amalgamum of Siegfried & Roy, really grew on me. So I might have talked Pasta into cosplaying as Nero hehehe! And I love how her Nero turned out. Also we had so much fun on stage with our Nico (Symphonia) and with the video we made! So take a look at our photoshoot! We took turns when we photographed these, so all the credit goes to us aka each other this time. 😀
Another fun detail: The photos of the props were taken in my grandfather’s workshop. He’s a blacksmith and almost broke one of the props bc he was wondering “whatever the hell this is again” :;DD